The Belt and Road Podcast
A podcast that covers the latest news, research and analysis of China's growing presence in the developing world.
Co-Hosted by Erik Myxter-iino, Juliet Lu and Keren Zhu
Edited by Taili Ni
The Belt and Road Podcast
How China is Reshaping International Technical Standards with Tim Rühlig
Juliet, Erik, and guest Tim Ruhlig discuss technical standards, China’s growth in technical industries and its increasing influence in leading and setting standards, and the new geopolitics of technical standardization and interdependence.
Tim Ruhlig is a senior fellow at the German Council on Foreign Relations, where he researches Europe-China relations, German-China relations, Hong Kong politics, and Chinese foreign industrial policy, He is the founder of the Digital Power China (DPC) Research Consortium, which brings together European engineers and Chinese scholars to carry out policy-relevant research on the PRC’s growing digital technology footprint and its implications for Europe.
- The Emperor’s New Road: China and the Project of the Century, Jonathan Hillman (2020)
- U.S.-Taiwan Relations: Will China's Challenge Lead to a Crisis? Bonnie Glaser, Ryan Hass, Richard Bush (2023)
- Film: “To Life” Zhang Yi Mou (1994)
- Wildland: The Making of America's Fury, Evan Osnos (2021)
- "Barbie Heimer"—Barbie (2023) and Oppenheimer (2023) movies on the same day (recommendation is Barbie is the better movie)
- “Even China Isn’t Convinced It Can Replace the U.S.” Jessia Chen Weiss (2023)